Libby Shaw
Naturopath, Herbalist & Nutritionist

When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.
Alexander Den Heijer
Plants and humans share a unique bond; it is unlikely there was a time when herbs were not used as medicine. Herbal medicine can be traced back to the earliest civilizations. The secondary metabolites found in plants once thought to be waste products, have very specific effects on human physiology and it’s these constituents that contribute to the healing properties of herbs.
Herbal medicine is used both as a preventative and also assists in chronic health concerns. It is something most of us use nearly every day, for example making a herbal infusion or using herbs and spices in your meals. Whether you consciously know it or not, the constituents within these plants have an effect.
Today’s lifestyle is fast paced, diet is often lacking in fresh food, time constraints and deadlines regularly drive us. Complementary medicine plays an important role in our health and well-being. It has become more evidenced based over the last 10 years, however we cannot ignore the folklore, traditional recipes and treatments passed down through generations.
Available Treatments
Abhyanga massage
Traditional Herbal Medicine
Therapeutic Massage
Flower Essence Therapy
Food as Medicine